
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

我们是谁 Who we are

我们的站点地址是 Our site address is:


评论 Comments

当访客留下评论时,我们会收集评论表单所显示的数据,和访客的 IP 地址及浏览器的 User-Agent 字符串来帮助检查垃圾评论。

When a visitor leaves a comment, we collect the data displayed in the comment form, as well as the visitors IP address and browsers User-Agent string to help check for spam comments.


由您的电子邮箱地址所生成的匿名化字符串(又称为哈希)可能会被提供给 Gravatar 服务确认您是否有使用该服务。 Gravatar 服务的隐私政策在此:。在您的评论获批准后,您的资料图片将在您的评论旁公开展示。

An anonymized string of characters (also known as a hash) generated by your email address may be provided to the Gravatar service to confirm whether or not you are using the service. The privacy policy for the Gravatar service is here: After your comment is approved, your profile picture will be displayed publicly next to your comment.


媒体 Media

如果您向此网站上传图片,您应当避免上传那些有嵌入地理位置信息(EXIF GPS)的图片。此网站的访客将可以下载并提取此网站的图片中的位置信息。

If you upload images to this site, you should avoid uploading images that have embedded geolocation information (EXIF GPS). Visitors to this website will be able to download and extract location information from images on this website.



如果您在我们的站点上留下评论,您可以选择用 Cookies 保存您的名字、电子邮箱地址和网站地址。这是通过让您可以不用在评论时再次填写相关内容而向您提供方便。这些 Cookies 会保留一年。

If you leave a comment on our site, you can choose to save your name, email address and website address with cookies. This is made convenient by allowing you to avoid having to fill in the relevant content again when commenting. These cookies remain for one year.


如果您访问我们的登录页,我们会设置一个临时的 Cookie 来确认您的浏览器是否接受 Cookies。此 Cookie 不包含个人数据,且会在您关闭浏览器时被丢弃。

If you visit our login page, we set a temporary Cookie to confirm that your browser accepts cookies. This Cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.


当您登录时,我们也会设置多个 Cookies 来保存您的登录信息及屏幕显示选项。登录 Cookies 会保留两天,而屏幕显示选项 Cookies 会保留一年。如果您选择了「记住我」,您的登录状态则会保留两周。如果您注销登陆了您的账户,用于登录的 Cookies 将会被移除。

When you log in, we also set a number of cookies to save your login information and screen display options. Login cookies are retained for two days, while screen display options cookies are retained for one year. If you select Remember Me, your login status will remain for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the cookies you used to log in will be removed.


如果您编辑或发布文章,我们会在您的浏览器中保存一个额外的 Cookie。这个 Cookie 不包含个人数据而只记录了您刚才编辑的文章的 ID。这个 Cookie 会保留一天。

If you edit or publish an article, we save an additional cookie in your browser. This cookie does not contain personal data, but only the ID of the article you have just edited. This cookie is kept for one day.


来自其他网站的嵌入内容 Embedded content from other websites


Articles on this site may contain embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves no differently than if you were visiting those other sites directly.


这些站点可能会收集关于您的数据、使用 Cookies 、嵌入额外的第三方跟踪程序及监视您与这些嵌入内容的交互,包括在您有这些站点的账户并登录了这些站点时,跟踪您与嵌入内容的交互。

These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party trackers, and monitor your interaction with these embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content when you have an account with those sites and are logged in to those sites.


我们与谁共享您的信息 Who we share your information with

若您请求重置密码,您的 IP 地址将包含于密码重置邮件中。

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the password reset email.


我们保留多久您的信息 How long we keep your information


If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata will be saved indefinitely. We do this so that we can identify and automatically approve any follow-up comments without having them queued for review.



For registered users of this website, we also store the personal information provided by users in their profiles. All users can view, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except that they cannot change their username), and site administrators can view and edit that information.


您对您的信息有什么权利 What rights do you have in relation to your information?


If you have an account with this site, or have left a comment, you can request an export file of the personal data we have about you, including all data you have provided to us. You can also ask us to erase all personal data about you. This does not include data that we are required to retain for administrative, regulatory, or security purposes.


您的数据将发送到何处 Where your data will be sent



Visitor comments may be checked by automated comment spam monitoring services.